A corridor of small c's

We often think of creativity as this light-bulb, out-of-the-box, reality-disrupting experience. Well, this is partly true. The invention of light bulbs, the Xbox, and virtual reality technology qualify as just that.

Creative thinking researches call this 'big C'. It's the breakthrough kind of Creativity we see in scientific discoveries and artistic masterpieces.

But there is another kind of creativity, called small 'c', which refers to the daily playful acts and a-ha moments that enrich our lives. These could include dressing up in a unique way for a presentation, creating a new recipe for your dinner guests, or greeting people stuck in traffic in a cheerful way.

Unfortunately, small 'c' is not celebrated as a from of creativity because it is not associated with fame and fortune.

But what I've discovered is that, unlike our passwords, life is not case sensitive. It gives us a pass to joy, surprise, and connection the more we stylize our day-to-day activities with small c's.

So don't let your creativity get caps-locked. Color your everyday experiences and connections with others with small c's. Here's a short video on that:

So how will you capitalize on your small c's the next time you are on your way somewhere? When nothing much is expected to happen but has all the potential to do so? When you're in-between destinations - between doors - corridorically speaking ;)

I'd love it if you'd share your next small c with me.


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